Thursday, January 28, 2016

Winter-time interior work

We've been doing a lot of interior details this winter since we returned to a more typical rainy pattern with our weather here. I don't have pictures from all of my recent projects but here's a few things we've been up to. The interior is getting very close to done (or as done as it needs to be). When I wrap up the wheelhouse trim, I'll probably try to post some interior walk through video using a wide angle lens.

Finishing passageway (trim, pantry doors, shelves, etc):

Aft cabin face frames and drawers under bed platform:

Corner cabinet in guest head:

Guest cabin under-bunk storage and mattress:

...and started on trimming out wheelhouse windows:

I'll have more on the wheelhouse interior in the next couple of weeks.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Scott,
    A couple of updates posted, and more to come soon. Just bookmarked your blog- very cool.
    Buehlers designs lend themselves very well to both steel and wood. You are definitely off to a good start with that nice building enclosure. We suffered through a couple of Winters out in the open with our hull build before we got things sealed up (although we're talking California winters, so can't complain too much).
    Look forward to following your progress.
