Monday, April 15, 2013

Wheelhouse settee and finishing aft cabin overhead

Here's some pictures of work on the wheelhouse settee, which will also double as a watch berth when underway. I'm still puzzling over a way to have a small table here for casual dining and cocktails that doesn't get in the way when not in use, but a solution for this hasn't presented itself yet...

For some reason when I was installing the overhead panelling many moons ago, I stopped short of the last section at the very back of the boat. I don't remember why I didn't finish this but I imagine at the time, given the crazy amount of hours we spent on the overheads, I probably just had enough and decided to move on to something else. At any rate, I recently dusted off what was left of our painted overhead tongue and groove planking, along with some leftover mineral wool and Armacell insulation, and finished out the last section at the transom. Part of this panelling will be exposed in the cabin, and the aft part will form the overhead finish inside the closets and cabinets along the aft wall of the stateroom. The next step back here is to build the large face frame that will form a wall of miscellaneous cabinets, drawers, and cubby holes that will make Sue very happy.

Friday, April 12, 2013

Night-stands and Vanity cabinet

More storage... finished up the nightstands and vanity cabinets in the aft cabin. Lots of custom carpentry here because of the strange nature of boat hull shapes. Getting the final product to look like a normal, square cabinet with drawers and cabinets that operate smoothly is an ongoing challenge. Here are some pics of our progress. We'll be putting some varnish on these cabinets and working on the wheelhouse day berth/seating this weekend.